How Ahriman Thwarts Perception of Christ

Presented By: Lelan Harris
Intellectual activity is spiritual activity, but the intellect cannot directly absorb that which is spiritual.  This exposes our intellect to the great danger of falling prey to Ahrimanic powers through the most innocuous and truly unexpected of sources.

"This is what devastates and rends the human soul today.  Even though we do not wish to admit this torn and devastated condition, it nevertheless exists in the spiritual regions of the human soul and constitutes the fundamental evil and the fundamental tragedy of our age . . . .  Our intellect is thus exposed to the great danger of falling prey to the Ahrimanic powers."  (Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy: The End of the Dark Age.  A lecture presented in Vienna, Austria on June 11, 1922.  GA 211.)
Lack of awareness of just exactly how those adversarial powers hold our intellects in their grip explains why people struggle to perceive Christ.  Once understood, freedom and access to Christ becomes straightforward.

This is a video recording of an online presentation hosted by the Rudolf Steiner Branch (Chicago) of the Anthroposophical Society in America on October 22, 2021.


Lelan Harris is a founding member and the executive director of Wise Cosmos Educational Initiative.  He is an experiential explorer and integrative practitioner of many human development and spiritual paths.  For Lelan, every day is an adventure of discovering the wisdom of the cosmos -- God in every guise -- and then sharing those treasures through healing, coaching, serving, and pioneering.  Lelan has been married to Julie for over 30 years, and among their greatest delights together is playing in and with nature through every season, ecosystem, and altitude; self-guided town and country tours; plus art, music, and dance.

Video length = 2 hours and 30 minutes.
Permanent access upon registration.
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Rudolf Steiner Branch (Chicago) of the Anthroposophical Society in America
Wise Cosmos Educational Initiative
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